Sunday, October 21, 2012

Happy Halloweeeennnnnn!!!

So, Halloween is one of my utmost favorite holidays.

Whatever people may say, Halloween is just all out fun. You can dress up, decorate, eat fun halloween foods, whatever! And you get to carve pumpkins. Cuhlassic. 

Growing up, we always decorated for every holiday. Seriously, our attic is FULL of things collected over the years. It was (still is!) one of my favorite times of year when we get to climb up the dusty, rusty attic ladder and dig into the boxes to get ready for the holidays. 

This year as my roommates and I decorated our house for Halloween, it got me thinking more about why I love this time of year so much. To a lot of people the holidays aren't even a big deal, and that just makes me sad! The more I've thought about it, the more I've come to realize that for us, the holidays have always been a time for our family to come together. Everyone has their role: Dad and I pull down the stuff and arrange the lawn decor (often a little too over the top, to mom's dismay). Mama puts stuff up in the house and cooks all kinds of holiday goodies, and Emily goes behind and rearranges Mom's decor. Rachel floats - helps outside and inside. 

Something about this time of year is just a little bit more magical. Even though we're getting to be spread out, walking a little farther down our life paths, this time of year still brings us together. 

So, happy Halloween! Hope it's spook-tacular. 

Linus! I seriously love this pumpkin. 

Linus and I on our front porch.
Our front porch - ready for trick-or-treaters!

"Further up, Further In, and Farther Along."